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Housing Cities Law is more expensive, slower in performance

Member of the Housing and Real Estate Committee in the National Assembly, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Saqabi, affirmed that the main solution to addressing the housing issue lies in addressing the lack of supply of private housing land, indicating that the increase in supply takes place through the provision of land, the provision of infrastructure liquidity and housing loans, and the provision of electricity and water and services.

A local Arabic daily quoting Al-Saqabi said during a panel discussion organized by the Real Estate Union under the title “The Law for the Establishment of Companies for the Construction of Cities or Residential Areas,” that it was proposed that the law for the establishment of housing cities is a law that deals with the infrastructure aspect, but this law will not succeed unless it is within a package of laws through which the case file can be moved and perhaps the most important of these laws is the financing of housing loans and the liquidity of the Credit Bank.

In turn, the former Minister of Housing, Dr. Adel Al-Sabeeh, said: The aim behind such laws is to reduce the waiting period in the housing queue, but the previous laws that were issued in this regard did not achieve their goals, as the number of actual housing requests increased from 60 thousand to 140,000 now.

Al-Sabeeh said that the housing sequence consists of 4 stages, which are (liberating lands, developing lands and building houses, financing, providing electricity and water), indicating that freeing lands is a government decision, and as for the construction issue, it is the institution that builds, while the law came to add a new entity to the process of construction which is more expensive and slower to perform.

He pointed out that the real problem does not lie in the issue of construction, but in the issue of financing in the first place, because the solution to the housing issue in 10 years requires that the government complete 22 thousand housing units annually, noting that the cost of implementing these units annually is 2.2 billion dinars over a period of 10 years, which constitutes 13% of the state’s income from oil and investment.

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