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Hospitals witness drop in patients due to vaccination

Hospitals in Kuwait are witnessing a huge decline in COVID-19 patients who have been vaccinated, local media reported pointing out that 93 per cent of patients admitted to the hospital or receiving treatment in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are those who have not been vaccinated.

In less than a month patients undergoing treatment in ICU’s dropped by almost 100 to 153 as of Sunday from a high of 260 patients giving authorities a sigh of relief.

Kuwait witnessed above 1000 new cases everyday since Febraury and after almost two months it began dropping with the implementation of partial curfew and strict adherence of Covid 19 protocol

During this period Kuwait also stepped up vaccination efforts and was able to vaccinate a cross section of the residents. Kuwait is also on threshold to reach herd immunity crossing 2.6 million vaccinations and further speeding up procurement of doses to vaccinate the entire eligible population.

However more than 300,000 people are waitng to receive the secondn dose of Oxford AastraZenca vaccine which has been hit by delays. The ministry has been eagerly pursuing procurement of the vaccine to enable that the second dose is given as quickly as possible.

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