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Homeland Security Department states no credible threat on US post Soleimani killing

The Department of Homeland Security said late Sunday that there were no credible threats posed by Iran against American soil in retaliation to the killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. A statement by the Department added, “At this time we have no information indicating a specific, credible threat to the Homeland. Iran and its partners, such as Hizballah, have demonstrated the intent and capability to conduct operations in the United States.”

“An attack in the homeland may come with little or no warning.” The statement continued “The Department of Homeland Security is working closely with our federal, state, local, and private sector partners to detect and defend against threats to the Homeland, and will enhance security measures as necessary.”

“Iran maintains a robust cyber program and can execute cyber attacks against the United States. Iran is capable, at a minimum, of carrying out attacks with temporary disruptive effects against critical infrastructure in the United States.” President Donald Trump vowed, in a series of tweets late Sunday, that Iran will feel the wrath of his country’s military might if Tehran attack Americans or harmed US assets. The Pentagon confirmed last Friday that head of the Iranian Quds Force General Qassem Soleimani was eliminated in a US airstrike in Iraq. Iran vowed to take “severe revenge” against the US for its action.

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