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Home delivery of civil id cards is optional, around 200,000 civil id cards to be destroyed

The Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI) announced that between 10,000 to 13,000 civil id cards are dispersed daily to their owners from devices, which is less than what has to be done, as the civil id cards ready in the devices are double than the number of customers, who have to receive it urgently.

In related news, PACI has decided the delivery option for civil id cards to homes will not be compulsory, but optional for customers at a fee of KD 2 to be paid as an extra fee in addition to the processing fee set at KD5 dinars, Al Qabas daily reported, quoting sources. The service is expected to be started in the near future.

The daily said, quoting sources, PACI is studying a mechanism to destroy about 200,000 civil id cards, which have been stored in the devices for more than 3 months, at its headquarters in South Surra, without their owners receiving them despite being ready.

Official sources in PACI revealed to Al Qabas daily that during the last period, the owners of civil id cards’ failure to take their ready-made civil id cards has led to their accumulation inside the devices by more than 90 percent, especially devices designated for expats who hold Article 18.

Although the permitted period for receiving civil id cards is from 9 am to 8 pm, without prior appointments, many owners did not visit the building to accept them, which naturally has led to a disruption in the issuance of other civil id cards.

PACI, with the direct support of its Director General, Musaed Al-Asousi, has succeeded, within a period of three months, in issuing nearly a million civil id cards, in addition to completing the procedures for civil id cards for the categories of Kuwaitis, domestic workers, workers in the government sector and children under five years old.



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