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HH PM expresses pain for SMB’s

His Highness Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah

His Highness Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah expressed his pain at the damage caused to the owners of Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMB) and to the educational endeavours of students and the inability of athletes to practice their sporting activities, “but the greater pain is the continuing epidemic situation amid the rise (of cases).”  This came in a speech by His Highness the Prime Minister at the extraordinary session of the National Assembly, held on Tuesday to discuss governmental procedures and policies in dealing with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the mutated strains.

“Today we completed a year and we welcome a new one, and now, after 45 days of the new year, we have begun to enter into an alarming situation, as the number of deaths in the past 15 days has reached 50 cases,” said the Premier.

“Occupancy of intensive care beds and hospital admissions has increased largely, as we are heading towards reaching five intensive care units at Mubarak Hospital,” he noted. “We must pause and examine this matter and adhere to what needs to be done. Yes, we suffer from the damage of small and medium businesses, and we suffer from the damage to our children’s educational achievements, and we suffer when athletes do not practice their activities, but the biggest pain is when we see the situation continues to rise,” he stressed.

“With cooperation, solidarity, understanding, acceptance, and implementation, yes, we went through losses, but we passed the stage of ascension, then stabilized, and now we have a second wave. If we do not cooperate, stand together and understand what is required to do, the situation will be difficult for everyone, the whole world has been affected, and we must deal with reality,” he continued.

“The readings that the officials had prepared are based on careful follow-ups and analysis that reached conclusions that the executive and legislative authorities must take into account. We all appreciate their hard work and dedication,” His Highness expressed his thanks to the members of the National Assembly for submitting the request to hold this extraordinary session, which shows the interest of the National Assembly in following up the government’s actions towards the pandemic.

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