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‘Health’: We are committed to laws when it comes to hiring members of the nursing staff

The Ministry of Health said it is committed to the application of labor laws in the area of hiring the nursing staff to work in various departments of the ministry and explained it is an organized mechanism to meet the labor market’s need of workers in the ministry and other official state institutions.

The ministry said in a press statement today, Sunday, that this is done by contracting with qualified companies in accordance with the laws regulating this matter in the country, reports Al-Jarida daily quoting Kuwait News Agency sources.

The sources explained this mechanism has been followed in the ministry for more than a decade, but the percentage of hiring the nursing staff through it has been greatly reduced during the recent period.

The sources pointed out the practice of hiring nurses through the contracting companies has been replaced through direct local contracting or through memoranda of understanding signed with countries exporting such workers after fulfilling the requirements and conditions of employment.

The ministry confirmed its commitment to the laws regulating the transfer of labor from companies to contracting with the ministry directly, pointing out that a large number of them were appointed during the recent period, and explained it is not the relevant authority in terminating the contracts of a number of members of the nursing staff and at the same time is committed to the labor laws determined by the relevant authorities in the country.

The sources stressed that the ministry is working hard to hire qualified nursing staff and other health workers to meet the needs of the labor market inside Kuwait and to ensure the continuity of providing the service in the required manner and according to the much-needed quality, as well as the challenges regarding the provision of the required number of nursed especially “in light of the global scarcity of health workers in general.

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