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Health officials warn cramped bachelor housing is delaying coronavirus epidemic containment

Positive results have been achieved in terms of controlling the epidemiological situation in the country after speeding up the pace of vaccinations, however, health officials have warned that overcrowding in labor housing, and neglecting health requirements threaten to worsen the coronavirus infection spread and hinder plans to contain the Coronavirus, Al Qabas daily reported. 

The health officials reiterated that one of the obstacles impeding the efforts of the health teams to combat the epidemic, is the many infection cases due to large number of expats living in crowded quarters in housing sites, which causes the virus to spread among them due to close contact.

It added that it was mainly due to the large numbers cramped in small rooms, and highlighted the need for owners of companies and businesses to understand the severity of the virus and reduce the number of people forced to house in one room. 

The officials stressed the need for all segments of society to continue to follow health regulations against the Coronavirus, especially as some activities are witnessing a large turnout by citizens and expats after their reopening, and many are slowly regaining their business. It noted that the requirements will continue for a long time even if most residents of the country are vaccinated. 

The officials added that laxity in maintaining the health preventative measures would lead to a hike in infection cases that would increase the burden on the health system and multiply the challenges the country is facing due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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