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Health mobilizes plans should number of cases increase

Dr. Abdullah Al-Sanad, spokesman for the Ministry of Health said the ministry has drawn up a plan to reopen the “Covid-19” wards and the intensive care units if necessary in the event of an increase in Covid-19 cases and indicated that the Ministry of Health has tight plans in accordance with international protocols, stressing that the situation is still reassuring, but adherence to health requirements is a must to stop the spread of the virus.

Al-Anba quoting Dr Al-Sanad said, “We call for postponing travel at the present time, limiting it to necessary cases, and taking the initiative to receive the third booster dose and seasonal vaccinations.

The Ministry of Health, he said, is holding several intensive meetings to study the developments in the virus situation and the increase in the number of cases to develop appropriate plans and protocols to confront the disease, while at the same time announcing the discovery of 12 new cases of “Omicron” in the country yesterday.

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