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Health Minister warns move to third phrase does not mean end of coronavirus risk

Health Minister Sheikh Dr. Basel Al-Sabah

The reduction of curfew hours from nine hours to six, as part of phase three of the reopening plan, does not mark an end to the coronavirus pandemic threat as no vaccine has yet been officially approved, Kuwait’s health minister warned on Thursday. Speaking at a press conference, Sheikh Dr. Basel Al-Sabah underlined that adhering to public health and safety measures was the only way to prevent infection during all five phases of the plan until a cure is found.

The transition from one stage to the other and reducing restrictions is aimed at adapting to the return to everyday life while applying health measures to reduce the spread of the virus, said the minister. He reiterated that these measures include staying at home and leaving only for necessity, covering the mouth and nose, social distancing and making sure to sterilise and wash hands regularly. He also urged ensuring the safety of the elderly, chronic disease patients and pregnant women

. The partial curfew was originally set to be lifted completely at the third stage, but ministers instead saw the need to only reduce its duration “in order to preserve the public’s health,” he explained. Non-compliance with health requirements has caused an increase in cases amongst Kuwaiti nationals, with daily numbers sometimes going up to 70 percent of the total cases, he warned.

Most of these cases have been of the elderly members of the community, who in spite of staying at home, caught the virus from a family member who was not following health guidelines. Phase three will witness an increase in public sector attendance by no more than 50 percent of the total workforce, visits to social care homes allowed, the reopening of hotels, resorts and apartment hotels and the reoperation of taxis, however, with only one passenger allowed on board. The coronavirus pandemic is the primary threat to human health to date, he said, citing the World Health Organization, which recommended the need to adhere to recommendations and guidelines issued by health authorities in each country.

The criteria for judging the success or failure of any country in combating the disease is the nation’s extent of compliance with medical requirements and their implementation of health procedures, he added. He also suggested that, based on reports, the negligence of some countries in handling the affair has negatively affected the safety of individuals and the health system in those countries. Asked about the government’s plans to reportedly adopt a certain vaccine, the minister said health authorities have addressed companies that, according to their published studies, have reached advanced stages in trials.

The World Health Organisation gets ahold of the first batch of vaccines from manufacturers, he said, therefore, “an agreement will be through this organization to obtain vaccinations, while for the second batch, (an agreement) will be with companies directly.”

In relation to health guidelines placed on incoming travelers, as the country prepares to relaunch commercial flights in August, he said a 14-day home quarantine will be applied in order to ensure that the individual is not infected. The visitor will also be required to fill in their information in a government app and wear an assigned e-bracelet at all times. As for PCR tests proving that visitors are not infected, he said these will be taken from accredited laboratories and health centers in the country of departure, adding that the ministries of health and foreign affairs are currently in coordination with their counterparts in this respect.

Around 500 incoming travelers will be taken in randomly for swab tests on a daily basis at Kuwait International Airport to make sure the results of their medical certifications are correct, he added.

The country’s move to phase three comes after the government’s adoption of a five-phase plan of reopening based on five criteria on May 28. These criteria are the scale of infections, stability of case numbers over a sufficient period, lower Intensive Care Unit occupancy numbers, lower hospital bed occupancy numbers and lower numbers of positive cases detected by daily swabs. Each phase is assessed every three weeks, at least, whereby the government determines whether to move on with the following phase.

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