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Health Minister approves reclassification of nursing allowances

The Minister of Health, Dr. Al-Awadhi, has given the green light to a significant change in the nature of work allowance for nurses. This revision, initiated to enhance the working conditions for nursing staff, will streamline the allowance system from three categories (“A-B-C”) to two (“A-B”).

The reclassification is set to boost the monthly nature of work allowance by an average of 50 dinars for approximately 10,000 nurses. This adjustment primarily benefits 697 Kuwaiti nurses, with 599 moving from category “B” to “A,” and 98 transitioning from category “C” to “B.” The additional monthly allowance applies uniformly to all recipients of this reclassification.

For the non-Kuwaiti nursing workforce, this reclassification is expected to have a wide-reaching impact. A total of 4,200 non-Kuwaiti nurses will see their category shift from “B” to “A,” alongside 3,702 nurses moving from category “C” to “B.” In total, 7,902 non-Kuwaiti nurses will experience an increase of 50 dinars in their monthly allowances.

Notably, this reclassification encompasses an additional group of 601 non-Kuwaiti nurses who serve under the bonus clause. This group will experience a transition, with 401 nurses moving from category “B” to “A,” and 200 nurses advancing from category “C” to “B.” This shift in their classification is accompanied by a 50-dinar increase in their monthly allowances.

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