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Health measures to continue following meeting for coronavirus updates in the country

Government Spokesman Tareq Al-Mezrem.

The Higher Ministerial Committee in charge of following up on the repercussions of the coronavirus held a meeting regarding a review of the latest reports submitted by the concerned ministers on the latest developments by the concerned authorities and the government to stem the spread of the coronavirus, Al Rai daily reported.

Tariq Al-Mirzam, head of the government’s communication center and official spokesman, said the Ministry of Health organized a presentation during the meeting on the latest coronavirus infection rates not only in Kuwait but also in the world.

“We are monitoring other infection rates now in the world, and we notice an increase in numbers in several countries, and there was also a presentation of the latest measures to be taken for the next phase,” he said.

Al-Mirzam stressed that health measures in place will continue in a bid to end the coronavirus pandemic, but there are some members of the public who are violating the guidelines, which were recorded for legal measures to be taken against these violators by the Ministry of Interior.

Al-Mirzam called on citizens and expats to adhere to health guidelines and requirements considering the fears in many parts of the world about a second wave of the coronavirus, and this obliges adherence to coronavirus preventative health measures.

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