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GTD issues 25,345 traffic citations in a week

During a one-week period, the combined efforts of the General Department of Traffic and the General Department of Rescue Police yielded substantial results, including the registration of 25,345 diverse traffic violations and the arrest of 302 individuals on various charges.

The Traffic and Operations Affairs Sector of the Ministry of the Interior disclosed the outcomes of the GTD and Rescue Operations campaigns, from Sept 2nd to Sept 8, in various areas led to the preventive detention of 44 violators and the referral of 16 juveniles to the Juvenile Prosecution.

Additionally, 31 individuals with warrants from various authorities were arrested. Furthermore, 24 individuals – violators of the residence and labor laws were also arrested, including 16 without proper documentation, 17 with pending arrest reports, and 14 with active absence reports. Two individuals were detained due to their abnormal condition, and all were subsequently handed over to the relevant authorities.

These statistics also highlighted the recording of 22,847 diverse traffic violations, alongside the impounding of 128 vehicles and 20 bicycles in the impound garage.

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