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Granting Kuwaiti citizenship is a sovereign right; no intention to establish ‘unification of judgments’ dept

A high-ranking legal source said there is no tendency at the moment to establish a ‘unification of judgments’ department before the courts of cassation on the issue of nationality cases and said the final judicial rulings have already settled 90% of the cases on clear principles.

On the future of citizenship cases, the source told Al-Qabas, in light of the parliamentary demands that these cases be considered before the judiciary, sources insist final verdicts in this regard have already been issued and that the original nationality cannot be withdrawn, unlike the acquired citizenship.

The source added, in the case for granting citizenship the judiciary does not look into such issues because this is a sovereign matter in Kuwait just like other countries of the world. The state grants the citizenship to who it deems worthy and has its own conditions and foundations.

With regard to cases of forgery of nationality, the source replied these are considered criminal offences and the court by virtue of its work has the right to look into these cases and in most cases convicted forgers face imprisonment and are obliged to return to the country double the monetary benefits they have acquired on the strength of the fake citizenship. The source stated a majority of final judgments have been issued and that they do not fall within the statute of limitations.

The legal source said that the conclusion is that there is no intention to establish a ‘unification of judgments’ department in cases of nationality before the courts of cassation and said the forgery of nationality is a criminal offense, a majority of the forgers have been convicted and there is no statute of limitations.

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