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Govt subsidized rice, sugar, oil and milk seized from two Arab men

The Ministry of Interior announced yesterday that the Farwaniya Governorate Investigation Department personnel have arrested two people of Arab nationality in the Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh area for selling government subsidized food supplies. They were caught red-handed inside a makeshift market.

Police then raided a warehouse where the men had allegedly stored about 900 kilos of rice, 850 kilos of sugar, 138 cans of oil and 533 cans of milk, 40 bags of lentils and 4 cartons of tomato paste, reports Al-Anba daily.

The daily added, the men were also involved in illicitly smuggling the food products out of the country. They have been referred for investigation to find out who their accomplices are and how they had access to the subsidized foodstuffs.

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