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Govt-parliament to raise pension of retirees, salaries for eligible employees

A government-parliamentary approval is awaited to increase the pension of retirees and new salary scale for eligible employees in all government agencies, ministries and institutions.

A local Arabic daily quoting private sources stressed the agreement of the two authorities on these two basic steps necessitates completing the dialogue to agree on the increase for retirees in addition to supporting groups that suffer from difficult living conditions such as widows, divorcees and housewives, provided that this is done according to a timetable officially announced by the government, not the parliamentarians.

The sources indicated the need to urgently complete the dialogue between the two authorities and reach an agreement that would enable the government to include it in the new state budget 2023-2024, which, according to the constitution, is submitted to the Council of Ministers two months before its date.

The sources pointed out that the citizen who actually suffers from difficult living conditions, especially defaulting borrowers and groups such as widows, divorcees and housewives, appeals to complete the governmental-parliamentary dialogue and looks forward to not creating any differences in viewpoints that impede consensus, especially since the Prime Minister, HH Sheikh Ahmed Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah opens welcomes to accept the other opinion, and is ready to listen to the demands of the citizens.

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