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Government spokesman calls for receiving vaccination and full compliance with health regulations

Government Spokesman Tareq Al-Muzrim

Head of the Government Communication Center and official spokesperson for the government, Tariq Al-Muzrim, called on everyone, on Thursday, to receive the vaccination and fully adhere to health requirements to limit the spread of the new Coronavirus (Covid-19). “The countries that continued with the vaccination campaigns witnessed a decrease in the infection index,” Al-Muzrim said in a press conference held via (video calling) after an exceptional cabinet meeting, stressing at the same time that controlling the epidemic is an integrated process and is not evaluated and dealt with through one side.

In response to a question about the reasons for the cabinet’s decision to impose a partial curfew, Al-Muzrim clarified that the government has stepped in significantly in issuing decisions, which come based on reports from the health authorities and field reports. He said that the epidemic had been brought under control in an earlier period, as the State of Kuwait was able to move to the fourth stage of the gradual return to normal life.

He added, “But with the return of the high numbers of infections and the rise of the five indicators set by the health authorities, the ban decision had to be taken.” When asked about the reasons for the spike in infections to alarming numbers that the country had not previously recorded before the arrival of vaccination in the State of Kuwait, Al-Muzrim attributed this to that “that period was long in terms of the time period, which is about seven months.”

He added, “I witnessed the cabinet issuing harsh decisions such as imposing area lockdown, partial curfews, and a full curfew.”

In response to a question about the date of the front-line bonuses, Al-Muzrim explained, “There is a cabinet decision requiring all ministries to send the final statements to the Civil Service Bureau.” He added, “Some statements have arrived, and the recent statements are being received from some ministries and the government will commit to disbursing rewards in the next stage.” Asked about the details of the cabinet’s decision to assign the Council of Ministers’s Economic Affairs Committee to discuss an appropriate mechanism to address the potential economic repercussions resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic, Al-Muzim stressed the government’s keen interest in the affected owners of micro, small and medium enterprises from the repercussions of the crisis.

He referred to previous decisions of the Council of Ministers to mitigate the damage caused to the owners of these projects, adding the government will consider all available opportunities to support the owners of these projects during the next stage.

Source: KUNA

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