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Government aims to raise the sovereign rating to AA

An (unofficial) draft of the government’s work program for 2022-2026 revealed serious trends to activate administrative, economic and social reforms in cooperation with the National Assembly, in a way that contributes to advancing development, despite the challenges it faces, most notably the increase in demand for housing services, and high levels of inflation.

Globally and locally, the country’s sovereign credit rating has declined and the business environment is unattractive, in addition to the overlapping roles of government agencies. In addition to the challenges of increasing the educational gap and educational loss, the high demand for health services, the unilateralism of the resource (oil) and the almost total dependence on it in budget revenues, and the corruption perceptions index reaching non-positive levels, reports a local Arabic daily.

The government’s work program aims to achieve a number of desired results during the next 4 years, most notably reviewing salary rates and improving services, closing the educational gap to less than 3 years in 2026, health care development, liberalizing lands and developing non-oil revenues to more than 3.5 billion dinars, providing 15,000 job opportunities in the private sector, raising the credit rating to AA levels with a stable outlook by 2026, monitoring the overlap in government services and their governance, improving the Corruption Perceptions Index to rank 40 by 2026, developing partnership between the public and private sectors, developing the entertainment sector in the governorates, suburbs and Failaka Island, introducing the uses of renewable energies, starting the implementation of the railway, and completing the Mubarak port and improving environmental indicators.

The draft government work program included a number of programs and plans related to restructuring the economy, most notably restructuring the overall national economy and announcing new paths based on non-oil contributions, restructuring the small and medium enterprises system to promote initiatives of productive projects that contribute to the national product, supporting credit, improving its rating, and strengthening the role of banks, developing partnership between the public and private sectors and establishing an aluminum refinery in Kuwait.

The draft government work program included a number of steps to ensure financial sustainability such as improving the collection of state revenues through customs flows and oil revenues, improving the expenditure budget and rationalizing spending, development of public financial management and tax declaration that includes the profits of Kuwaiti, foreign and multinational companies operating in Kuwait.

The draft listed a number of projects that would support tourism and entertainment in Kuwait, such as coordination of public parks to achieve social recreation, establishing a world-class entertainment city (the new entertainment city), operating medium-sized entertainment cities in the governorates, establishment of recreational projects near the Abdali and Al-Khairan area and educational, cultural and entertainment center.

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