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German embassy warns of scamster

The German Embassy in Kuwait has cautioned residents and citizens not to fall for a scam whereby they are offered a Blue Card Visa to Germany for KD 550 or study grant and visa for KD 350 by an unscrupulous individual.

The embassy has received a number of complaints whereby people have fallen victim to the scammer who claims to be a German citizen and able to convince his victims that he will process such visas for them.

The German embassy has reiterated that work or study visa for Germany can only be applied for at the visa section of the German Embassy and they never work with intermediaries!

Anybody approached by an intermediary should report this to the Kuwait Police immediately and the  embassy  requests everyone who has been cheated in these matters by a German citizen to forward the relevant information to the Embassy (

For all information regarding working and study opportunities in German please have a look at

The embassy call on everyone to share this information with others in order to prevent any more cheating.

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