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German ambassador holds luncheon meeting with journalists

German Ambassador H.E. Stefan Mobbs praised the excellent relations in all areas between his country and Kuwait that have evolved over the years. In a luncheon meeting with journalists the experienced diplomat shared his thoughts on several local and international issues.

Touching on the Russian invasion in Ukraine he applauded Kuwait’s support for international efforts aimed at a ceasefire and de-escalation to find a peaceful solution to the crisis, in compliance with the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes through dialogue. He pointed out that 141 countries voted in the United Nations General Assembly to reject the Russian aggression against Ukraine, adding, “We must do everything in our power to stop this massacre.”

Mobbs also praised the recent meeting with Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Dr. Sheikh Ahmed Al-Nasser with 20 ambassadors accredited to Kuwait, including the ambassadors of the European Union, describing it as a fruitful and positive meeting that reiterated Kuwait’s true position, which stresses the need to adhere to the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and affirm the principle of states’ sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity in accordance with their internationally recognized borders.

In response to a question about his vision for the future stability of the region, Mobbs said, “The region is considered a complex neighborhood, and this is what Europe went through in the last century, which caused the outbreak of two world wars, and the international community learned from this difficult experience, and there was no solution but dialogue.”

To sit at the dialogue table the Gulf countries and neighboring countries in the region should activate the mechanisms of dialogue and enhance their unity and economic and commercial cooperation. A perfect example Ambassador Mobbs pointed at was the development of Kuwaiti-Iraqi relations and the agreements signed between the two countries, saying, “These relations are one of the best and most wonderful examples of improving relations, pointing out that Iraq paid all compensation to Kuwait through the United Nations last January.”

He added that the exchanges between the two countries took place in a very civilized manner, and despite the difficult situation in which Iraq was, Kuwait was one of the countries that wished for its stability because the stability of Iraq is considered one of the stability of the region.”

Regarding the much awaited exemption of Kuwaitis from the Schengen visa process, Mobbs said, “As soon as the European Union begins dealing with the visa exemption issue, Germany will be one of the supporters of this subject, but also calling on Kuwaitis wishing to travel to his country to submit a visa application before their travels long enough, as they are allowed to submit to them before six months. He pointed out that there was no need to delay the submission of the application until the last moment.

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