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GCC motorists pay 8 million dinars for traffic violations committed in Kuwait

The linking of traffic departments with other Gulf Cooperation Council countries has started yielding positive results in terms of safeguarding public funds. This is achieved by enforcing penalties for traffic violations committed by vehicles registered in GCC countries while on a visit to Kuwait. In the past, such collections were nearly non-existent, leading to revenue loss for the state treasury.

According to these sources, the General Traffic Department has recorded approximately 400,000 traffic violations from the beginning of this year until the end of June. These violations were against vehicles owned by Gulf nationals who were visiting Kuwait during this period, reports Al-Rai daily.

The violations included serious offenses such as speeding, reckless driving and disregard for traffic rules. The monitoring was done by traffic cameras and radar systems.

The sources elaborated that all these violations were forwarded to the respective Gulf country to collect the fines from their citizens and transfer the funds to the Ministry of Finance. The total value of these fines is estimated to be around 8 million dinars.

The sources emphasized that the implementation of the decision to prevent Gulf vehicles from leaving the border crossings until their fines are paid has led to an immediate and efficient collection process.

This has prompted GCC vehicle owners to be highly attentive and adhere to the country’s laws and respecting the traffic regulations.

Additionally, in cases of severe violations, vehicles have been impounded and towed to a traffic garage for up to two months, with their departure being prohibited until the stipulated traffic regulations are followed.

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