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GCC leaders affirm resolve to continue joint action – Declaration

The Riyadh Declaration, adopted by the 42nd Summit of the Supreme Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council on Tuesday, stressed the GCC leaders resolve to press ahead with the march of joint action out of deep sense of responsibility towards the peoples of the GCC countries.

In realization of the noble visions and aspirations for the prosperity of the GCC member countries, the GCC leaders agreed a number of principles and policies for upgrading the strategic cooperation and economic and developmental integration, according to the Declaration.

The consensus among the GCC leaders, stemming from the deep-rooted brotherly relationship, the joint, shared objective and common destiny, builds on the outcomes of Al-Ula GCC Summit, held in last January.

Al-Ula Summit stressed commitment to collective action to promote coordination, collaboration and integration among the GCC states with a view to realizing the noble aims for which the GCC was founded in 1981 and the vision of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz for implementation of the decisions made by the 36th GCC summit of December 2015.

The GCC leaders highlighted the need to implement accurately the vision of Saudi King and further strengthen the pillars of economic unity and integrate the defense and security systems in order to promote stability of the GCC states and realize the aspirations of their peoples, the Declaration reads.

The second article of the joint defense treaty provides that the GCC states consider aggression on any of them is tantamount to aggression on all of them, which requires collective response, the document reminds.

The GCC leaders underscored the importance of concerted efforts and integrated policies to crystalize a joint foreign policy that could serve the common aspirations and interests of the GCC peoples, and keep the GCC states away from regional or international conflicts.

They agreed to coordinate the policies of the GCC states towards sustainable development, mitigate the impacts of climate change on the GCC economies, and realize objectives of the initiative for recycling carbon dioxide unveiled by Saudi Arabia while presiding over G20 summit.

The leaders agreed to instruct the competent departments to work out the necessary mechanisms for employing the best practices for environment protection and draw on the Saudi Green Initiative and the Middle East Green Initiative, announced by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

They highlighted the need to follow up on the implementation of GCC strategy for diversified economy, maximize benefit from the economic potentials and double the volume of joint investments.

They stressed the need to continue the combat against the coronavirus pandemic through coordinated policies and joint action with a view to minimizing the impacts of the pandemic on the socio-economic development in the GCC countries.

They also stressed the importance of promoting the role of women in economic development and putting in full play the role of youth in the business and finance sectors.

They urged promoting the joint action in the areas of digitalization, modern information technology and cybersecurity and encouraging the private sector, particularly the SMEs, to play greater role in economy, the Declaration went on.

They instructed the relevant committees and departments to arrange the necessary programs to put into action the decision reached in the GCC summit, it added. – KUNA

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