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GCC anti-drugs center plays crucial role

Aware of the major dangers posed by narcotics against the Gulf communities, the GCC states had established the Gulf Criminal Information Center to Combat Drugs as part
of the efforts to unify efforts in the face of the menace.

The center facilitates operations and joint investigations against illegal trade in drugs and enhancement materials. Issa Al-Kawari, the director, stated that the center, that comprises the six member states of the GCC, is specialized in swapping intelligence related to combating narcotics and relevant offenses.

It facilitates and coordinates joint operations, data storage, analysis and swap, in addition to boosting cooperation among the member states in fighting cross-border organized crimes.

Moreover, the center aids local authorities in each of the member countries, draft recommendations regarding the illegal trade and addiction cases, holds cooperation with regional and international centers and agencies also involved in the field.

Source: KUNA

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