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Foreign Ministry expected to undertake major reshuffling of Ambassadors

Hectic activity is expected next February at the diplomatic level when Kuwait plans to pump young blood to represent the country in important capitals of the world to head its diplomatic missions.

Al-Rai has learned from diplomatic sources that “a ​major ​shuffling ​of ambassadors and heads of missions is likely to take place next February.” The sources revealed that the two corps of diplomatic councils at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has discussed and arrived at a decision to set new regulations regarding the appointment of ambassadors, most notably limiting the repr​​esentation period outside the country to a maximum of 8 years and 4 years in the country of service

On a related level, Al-Rai learned that the two corps discussed reducing diplomatic missions abroad, and has recommended doing away with 13 out of 106 Kuwaiti missions.

The sources confirmed that the decisions being discussed serve the strategy of Foreign Minister Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Al-Nasser to enable young people to become diplomats and reduce expenses in line with the state’s direction of the next stage.

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