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Fishermen running out of diesel threaten to stop fishing

The Kuwaiti Fishermen Federation has reiterated its appeal to the Minister of Finance, urging immediate action to address the ongoing crisis related to the persistent diesel shortage.

The federation highlighted the depletion of diesel reserves at both the Al-Shamlan and Fahaheel berths. In an official statement, the federation emphasized the urgent necessity to reinstate the previous allocation of diesel for fishermen, which had been halved in a prior decision, reports Al-Jarida daily.

The federation underscored the ramifications of this shortage, stating that if the situation persists, both berths will remain without diesel from yesterday’s date until the conclusion of the current month.

The Advocacy Committee of the Ministry of Finance, however, did not heed the appeals from the fishermen’s union to reinstate the original monthly quota, causing the ongoing predicament wherein the monthly quantity is rapidly depleting. As a result, Kuwaiti fishing vessels are unable to embark on fishing expeditions.

The federation clarified that it does not lay blame on the fishermen for refraining from going out to sea, nor does it attribute the situation to a strike or a reluctance to engage in fishing.

Instead, the federation disclosed that it had been vocal about the insufficiency of the half-reduced diesel share since July.

It has exhaustively pursued all avenues to restore the quota to its prior levels, but unfortunately, these efforts have fallen on deaf ears. This lack of response has led to the recurrence of a diesel shortage during the final days of the previous month, a pattern that continues into the present month.

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