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Firefighters control fire in Shuwaikh Industrial area

The Public Relations and Media Department of the General Fire Brigade stated in a statement today that the firefighting force teams were able to control a huge fire that broke out at dawn today in a central market located in the Shuwaikh Industrial Area. 

6 firefighting teams were directed from the Shuwaikh Industrial Centers, AlShuhada, Al-Ardiyah, Al-Madinah, Al-Salmiya, and Al-Isnad, and it took the first fire brigade to 4 minutes to reach the site, Al-Qabas reported.

The administration added that the firefighting teams worked to besiege the fire so that it does not spread to the neighboring buildings. By using the hydraulic ladder, mechanisms that enabled the firefighting teams to control the accident. The hydraulic ladder has an area of 3 thousand square meters.

The Firefighterst faced many obstacles including collapses in the ceiling made of Kirby.

A search is underway for a missing person at the site, after the fire was reported as he was suspected of being present during the outbreak of the fire.

The head of the General Fire Force, Lieutenant General Khaled Rakan AlMukrad, the deputy chief of the firefighting force for the combat sector, Major General Jamal Al-Blaheis, and the deputy chief of the firefighting force for the prevention sector, Major General Khaled Abdullah Fahd, were present at the site of the accident, and the governor of the capital Sheikh Talal Al-Khaled Al-Sabah inspected the site to check on the safety of his brothers from the firefighting force teams and people involved in the accidents.

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