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Finance Ministry has reservations about increasing students rewards

The Ministry of Finance has reservations about the financial increases contained in the proposed laws regarding rewarding students, given that they will impose an additional financial cost on the state budget in light of the current scarcity of liquidity.

In its response contained in the report of the Educational Affairs Committee which is on the agenda of Tuesday’s session, the Ministry affirmed that improving the standard of living is not only represented in increasing student rewards, noting that the subsidies granted by the state to students such as 60% subsidized books in the student’s library and others should not be overlooked.

The committee approved proposals for laws regarding increasing the stipend for university students to 300 dinars per month, and for bedoun, and disbursing a monthly stipend for a married Kuwaiti student to a Kuwaiti woman 550 dinars, provided that the marital relationship continues and that he does not receive a social subsidy from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

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