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Filipino delegation to discuss recruitment of Domestic workers in Kuwait

The Filipino labor attaché, Nasser Mustafa is expected to travel to Kuwait for meeting with the concerned persons in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Public Authority of Manpower, and the labor recruitment offices to discuss the reopening of the recruitment of Filipino domestic workers in Kuwait, Al Qabas reported quoting informed sources.

The sources told the daily that, a few days ago, Kuwait received a report from the Federation of Employment Offices in the Philippines.

The Philippine Labor Union held a meeting today with Kuwaiti offices through the Zoom, during which the need for tougher penalties for sponsors who do not abide by the contracts was discussed.

The Philippine Federation put forward a number of demands that will be conveyed during the visit of the Philippine Labor Attaché to Kuwait. The most prominent of which is to expedite the granting of rights to domestic workers who resort to the Department of Domestic Workers of the workforce and not to be satisfied with the investigation. Those domestic workers ought to be transferred to shelters and then allowed to leave the country, as most of the cases are related to the sponsor’s breach of contracts and not a refusal of work from the worker.

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