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Female prosecutor leads a plea in a murder trial of a maid, demands death penalty

Photo Credit- Al Qabas

The deputy attorney general today, Sunday took the judiciary podium in a murder case committed by a woman citizen against her maid.  This was the first case after the appointment of a female prosecutor, Al Qabas reported.

Attorney General Dirar Al-Asousi said that he believes in the capabilities and competence of women in various fields. The appointment of a female prosecutor was the first of its kind in the history of the Kuwaiti judicial system and other judicial systems in Arab countries, the public prosecutor performed the pleading in a murder trial.

Counselor Al-Asousi added in a press statement that this success comes as a result of the training course in preparing, drafting, and performing oral pleadings before the criminal courts. The training courses were organized by Kuwaiti cadres of members of the Public Prosecution under the supervision of Attorney General Mubarak Al-Rifai, 32 prosecutors participated, including 4 female attorneys.

Returning to the pleading and its events, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Munira Al-Waqiyan, described that the criminals torture the weak, degrade them and dehumanize them, and said that they will receive their punishment in this world before the hereafter.

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