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Facebook to reject ads discouraging vaccines

Facebook has announced its launch of a new global policy that prohibits ads discouraging people from getting vaccinated. “Our goal is to help messages about the safety and efficacy of vaccines reach a broad group of people, while prohibiting ads with misinformation that could harm public health efforts,” Kang-Xing Jin, Head of Health, and Rob Leathern, Director of Product Management, said in a blog post late Tuesday.

The blog stressed “if an ad explicitly discourages someone from getting a vaccine, we’ll reject it.” It noted that “enforcement will begin over the next few days. “Ads that advocate for or against legislation or government policies around vaccines, including a Covid-19 vaccine, are still allowed,” it added. Furthermore, the blog post said that the company is working with “global health partners on campaigns to increase immunization rates.”

Source: KUNA

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