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Expats in MOH occupy only 4 percent non-physician jobs

Recent statistics have revealed that approximately 96 percent of employees in non-medical roles at the Ministry of Health are Kuwaiti citizens, while around 4 percent are expatriate workers.

These statistics indicate that the Ministry of Health employs approximately 13,781 Kuwaiti nationals in non-medical positions, as opposed to 591 non-Kuwaiti employees.

Health sources have confirmed to Al-Rai that the Ministry is actively implementing a policy of nationalization in accordance with the guidelines outlined in Civil Service Council Resolution No. 11 of 2017, which delineates the rules and procedures for Kuwaitization of government positions.

This policy aims to reduce the number of non-Kuwaiti employees occupying positions earmarked for nationalization, specifically those positions outside the medical field.

Furthermore, it was highlighted that several decisions have been issued since 2017, resulting in the termination of the contracts of a number of non-Kuwaiti employees in non-medical roles. These measures have contributed to the decrease in the percentage of non-Kuwaiti employees to approximately 4 percent.

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