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Expatriates who organised sit-in will be deported

Expatriates who organised a sit-in and demonstration after Friday prayers in Fahaheel area in support of the Prophet (PBUH) will be deported, well-informed security sources told Al-Rai that instructions were issued to arrest the expatriates, after they organized a sit-in and demonstration, yesterday,
The sources confirmed that they will be deported from the country because they violated the laws and regulations of the country, which stipulate that sit-ins or demonstrations by foreigners should not be organized in the country.
The source indicated that the detectives are in the process of arresting them and referring them to the deportation department to be deported to their countries and not to enter the country again. The sources stressed that all residents of the country must respect the laws and not yield to any calls for sit-ins or demonstrations for any reason, and that the fate of any person will be decisively addressed.
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