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Expat Oil employees stranded abroad on leave without pay

Expat employees of the oil sector stranded abroad who could not return to the country because of the closure of airports or suspension of air traffic have been considered on the annual leave, Al Anbaa daily reported.

Their leave shall be deducted from the balance of their vacation, and in the case of insufficient holidays remaining In the current year, their leave balance for the next year will be deducted and in case they have fully exhausted this balance, they are considered to be on unpaid leave after notifying them of this and stopping the payment of their salaries by the procedures followed.

The sources stated that the oil sector companies, to implement the Kuwaitization policy and replace the expatriate workers with national workers, classified their jobs into three categories (easy – slow – difficult). Accordingly, the companies plan to substitute easy and slow jobs first and then in the long run replace difficult jobs.

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