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EU commends Kuwait on peace initiatives

Any initiative by Kuwait to bolster peace and security in the region will have the full support of the European Union (EU), said the 28-nation bloc’s security and policy chief Federica Mogherini

Pointing out that the foreign ministers discussed the need for the EU to support and accompany any initiative that would come from the region itself, the EU security chief said that Kuwait has the credibility and reputation to play a leading role in initiating peace and security in the region.

Speaking at a press conference on 11 November, following a meeting of EU foreign ministers that centered on support for security in the Gulf region, Ms. Mogherini said that peace and security in the region was “extremely relevant not only for European security but also for the security of the world.”

She added that it is not for the EU to launch any peace initiative, but for it to “offer support and accompany any initiative that would be initiated in the region, which should be inclusive and with an eye to decrease tensions and finding ways to live together peacefully.”

She noted that EU member states have a “significant experience on how to live together even when tensions arise in a peaceful manner”.

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