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Embassy approves 174 licensed offices to recruit Filipino workers

The Philippine Embassy in Kuwait has updated the list of offices and agencies that are allowed to bring in Filipino workers to Kuwait, including domestic workers. The updated list includes the names of 174 out of the 420 offices that have obtained licenses from government agencies to engage in recruitment activity.

The list approved by the Philippine Embassy represents 41.4% of the total offices working in the field of labor recruitment in the country, reports a local Arabic daily. The Philippine Embassy has warned, in a circular, against dealing with unaccredited persons who bring labor from the Philippines.

However, sources from the Public Authority for Manpower said there is cooperation with the Ministry of Interior to exert efforts to flush out fake offices which advertise jobs for home services for the elderly care.

In this context, informed sources speaking about Ethiopian moves to sign an agreement to recruit domestic workers with Kuwait concluded certain conditions should be ironed out regarding the monthly salary of the worker and the level of training in accredited centers in Ethiopia before entering Kuwait although the agreement was expected to be signed this month.

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