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Drug addicts are responsible for 73 percent of crimes, aggressive behavior

The crimes and the aggressive behavior that is vastly prevalent in the Kuwaiti society are of great concern because this behavior shows no signs of receding.

These crimes have aroused the discontent of society and opened the door to questions about the reasons and motives behind the escalating aggressive behavior and crimes alien to Kuwaiti society while a security source told the daily about 73% of crimes are directly related to the sale, abuse or promotion of drugs and confronting the phenomena that are alien to our society requires the concerted efforts of all state agencies, as well as harshening the penalties and amending legislation to suit current developments, reports Al-Qabas daily.

The source pointed out that out of every 100 cases considered by the security services in the country, there are more than 70 drug-related cases.

For their part, activists and psychology specialists emphasized that the weakness of penalties, the imbalance of the system of values, and the fall of many young people into the abyss of addiction and abuse are behind the ease of committing crimes.

They noted that penal laws have not changed for decades, while necessity requires keeping pace with electronic developments, the effects of the technical boom, and successive societal transformations.

They attributed the recent crimes to a number of social, psychological and economic factors, in addition to the prevalence of a state of frustration and anxiety among young people, pointing out that the Ministry of Interior did not fail to control security and prosecute criminals, but the extraneous phenomena require the concerted efforts of all concerned authorities, state institutions and public benefit associations.

In an indication of the return of violent crimes to the forefront of events, Mubarak Al-Kabeer area witnessed during the past week a heinous murder in which a citizen was killed in front of his house by another citizen, who surprised him with 12 gunshots killing him on the spot, while the search is still ongoing to find the victim Mubarak Al-Rashidi, who disappeared about a month ago in the Kabd area, amid doubts and suspicions.

The source explained that despite the great efforts made by the criminal security sector of the General Department for Drug Control some young people are addicted to cheap drugs that cause severe health and psychological damage, which result in committing heinous crimes.

He added that Kuwaiti youth are targeted by the drug trade mafia, who seek in various ways and means to flood the local market and make Kuwait transit for neighboring countries, noting that about 65% of the total prisoners were convicted in drug cases.

The source stressed that the security services are constantly seeking to monitor all crimes of drugs, psychotropic substances and alcohol, in coordination with the concerned authorities, and conduct the necessary research and investigations and collect all related information and evidence, to detect these crimes and track down and arrest the perpetrators.

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