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Diwaniyas in Kuwait cautiously resume normal life

The Diwaniyas in Kuwait, a destination for various segments of society especially the elderly, have resumed their activities almost after 18 months where they exchange views on local and global affairs after the country opened the fifth stage of returning the country to normalcy.

The Al-Qabas during a tour of a number of Diwaniyas saw a glimmer of joy on the faces of people as they met and greeted each other after a long absence.

In contrast to the political situation that the country and the region in general are going through, the conversations of visitors to the Diwaniyas yesterday dominated local issues and circumstances the country passed through at the height of the pandemic that cast a shadow over everything.

Between tea and coffee, the visitors discussed Kuwait’s concerns and issues and issues of the Arab region in general. The talks at the Diwaniyas are an important sign and integral part of Kuwaiti society where social, cultural and political issues are discussed and form a kind of a political forum in every Kuwaiti home.

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