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Develop your endurance, double your strength

Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer


Endurance, one of the most essential or “sine qua non” physical capabilities needed during workouts, is one of the most ignored if not brushed off by gym buffs and weight fanatics, ignoring its very core importance to benefit from productive and positive results from workout regimens regardless of if its aerobics or anerobics exercises.

Endurance is defined as is the ability to perform physical activities that can increase your heart rate by fifty per cent without getting tired or fatigued. Developing your endurance can come in different types or workouts. There are two main types of endurance training namely: specific endurance and general endurance. Specific endurance aims to a particular exercise and general endurance focuses on your overall performance through different types of exercises. In order to achieve ad benefit from these classifications, one must engage in different sets of exercises with focus on cardiovascular workout.

Trifocus Fitness differentiate types of endurance: Basic endurance Basic endurance is when you increase your heart rate by between 60 and 70%. Trains your cardiac output and heart muscle. It strengthens your immune system and reduces your cholesterol levels as well as blood pressure. It also improves your metabolism and, in turn, fat-burning abilities. Tempo endurance is when you increase your heart rate by 75 – 85%. It improves your workload or speed at the anaerobic threshold. It burns carbohydrates and body fat for energy.

Maximal endurance is when you increase your heart rate by between 90 and 95%. It includes usually has three- to six-minute breaks between sets. It helps to develop your oxygen consumption. It burns mostly carbohydrates for energy and very little body fat. Lactic speed endurance is when you increase your heart rate to its complete maximum. It has six- to 10-minute breaks between sets. It improves your ability to continue with high-intensity training when your muscles are already stiff. It also means you can increase your speed during long, high-intensity sets. Alactic speed endurance improves your ability to sprint shorter distances.

How does one benefit from having a strong endurance? With the ability of the muscle to perform repetitive muscle contractions, it also helps in developing metabolism, reduces tiredness when exercising, good posture, fewer injuries, less chance of back problems due to build endurance of trunk muscles, better sport performance and refined training techniques for many exercises. In weight training improving your muscular endurance can be achieved by completing a movement for at least 12 or more repetitions.

If your muscles tire faster, then the weight you carry maybe too heavy and instead you build strength not endurance. You can use either machines or free-weights to improve your muscular endurance. Controlled execution of movements instead of trying to complete sets faster, this technique allows the muscle to respond effectively. Ideally three time per week on pure cardio workout produces strong cardiovascular endurance.

Challenge your body yet listen to how far it can go, you are the best doctor for yourself and not your trainers, set your goals, yet use appropriate and correct techniques to achieve them.

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