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Destroyed infrastructure stumbling blocks for Syrian refugees to return home: Assad

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said Wednesday that the biggest obstacle to millions of refugees returning home is a lack of infrastructure, devastated by more than a decade of civil war.

The Syria conflict has killed more than 500,000 people, displaced millions and battered the country’s infrastructure and industry since it began in 2011 with the government’s repression of peaceful anti-government protests, reports AlArabia English News service

The war pulled in foreign powers and extremists, and while the front lines have mostly quietened in recent years, large parts of the country’s north remain outside government control.

Asked during an interview with Abu Dhabi-based Sky News Arabia television about the greatest challenge to refugee returns, Assad responded: “Logistically, infrastructure which terrorists destroyed.”

“We have started general dialogue” with United Nations humanitarian bodies “on return projects,” financing and UN demands, said Assad, citing a lack of water, electricity, schools and healthcare facilities.

Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt host at least 5.5 million refugees, according to the United Nations, and refugee returns have been a key issue at recent regional discussions.

But as countries have increased calls for refugees to return, rights groups warned against forced returns and raised safety fears, saying some returnees have faced arrest or persecution, allegations which Assad denied in the interview.

Regional countries are also seeking cooperation from Damascus on issues including fighting the drug trade. “When there is war and the state is weakened,” the drug trade flourishes and “this is normal,” Assad said.

Arab outreach to Assad gained momentum this year after a deadly February 6 earthquake struck Syria and Turkey, and accelerated as Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to restore bilateral ties the following month in a surprise China-brokered deal.

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