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Despite increasing number of infections, no desire to close airport and ports

Despite the big jump in the number of corona infections in the country from 1,482 to 2,246 in just 24 hours — the highest number since the outbreak of the ‘pandemic’, government sources said the epidemiological situation in Kuwait is good, and that an increase in infections is expected in light of the spread which is witnessed all over the world.

The sources told Al-Qabas that the decisive factor in the seriousness of the epidemic lies in the high number of deaths and intensive care cases, which are at the normal level in Kuwait. The sources explained the activity of the virus locally indicates the possibility of a continuing escalation of daily rates of infection until the beginning of next February, after which it will begin to decline gradually.

The sources added, the symptoms so far are mild, and sometimes without noticeable, and confirmed at the moment there is no desire to slap curfews or lockdowns, or closing the airport and ports.

The sources explained the increasing number of infections does not call for panic, because the occupancy in hospitals is still stable. However, if the number of people infected with the virus increases needing hospitalization, new government measures will be taken, most notably the ‘distancing’ among worshippers in mosques, distance learning and tightening the application of health protocols in closed places.

Nonetheless, the sources indicated the government is currently in the midst of accelerating the pace of giving booster dose and to vaccinate children between 5 and 11 years, which is expected to begin at the end of this month, as soon as the vaccines arrive.

The sources stressed the government will implement any recommendations that may be submitted the Corona Emergency Committee in order to control the outbreak of the epidemic in the country; while at the same time stressed the government inspection teams are determined to close any facility in case of violation of the health laws as well as ‘punish’ social media rumor mongers.

The following are expected precautionary recommendations:

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