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Delay in resuming work in ministries of Electricity, Water and Public Works

The ministries of Electricity, Water and Public Works have postponed the resuming of official working hours, according to the decision issued by the Council of Ministers that adopts precautionary measures in the face of the new coronavirus, regarding the continuation of work in the first stage as part of the return to normal life plan.

The daily reports that Engineer Jassim Al-Nuri, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Electricity and Water, said that in the internal circular issued by the Ministry did not mention a specific date for the return of work, because this matter is related to the decision of the Council of Ministers, and when the decision is taken, the circular will be issued mentioning the official working hours and work will restart.

The individual sectors of the Ministry of Electricity and Water had prepared the list of the names of the concerned employees who would return to their work in various sectors and those who would work from their homes provided the number of workers in the ministry building is 30 percent of the workforce. The circular also requested that lists be prepared with the names of the employees who are to be excused from work,  employees whose working hours are reduced, patients and the disabled and those over 55 years old. Working hours are determined from nine in the morning until one in the afternoon, according to the needs of each sector, and only those names mentioned in the schedules of those assigned to work or whoever is exempted to attend the Ministry are permitted.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Public Works issued a circular, which stated that, according to the decision of the Council of Ministers, the work during the first stage will continue until the current week, until the start of the second stage of return to normalcy plan, provided that a subsequent circular will be issued at the earliest to determine the start of the return to work based on the decision of the Cabinet.

In the meantime, the Ministry of Social Affairs has postponed the return to work, based on the decision of the Council of Ministers while at the same time extending the duration of the first stage  opting for a gradual return to normal life. However, the Public Authority for Manpower continues its work as it was during the past days, whether by organizing inspection tours, or completing transactions online.

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