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Decision taken to reduce employment rates within cooperatives to 6%

Ministry of Social Affairs Ministry of Social Affairs said the work team formed to Kuwaitize jobs in cooperative societies, based on the decisions recently taken by the Demographics and Labor Market Development Committee, proposed, during its last meeting, to reduce employment rates within cooperatives to 6 instead of 7 percent, while not counting the total supervisory positions which includes general managers and their deputies (2 for each director) and heads of departments from this percentage.

The sources told Al-Jarida daily, that the aim of the amendment to the text of Article 49 of Ministerial Resolution No. (46 /T) for the year 2021, issued regarding the regulation for organizing cooperative work, and related to employment, is to create a budget for employment in a way that does not burden coops with employment that exceeds their financial capacity and reflects a burden on their solvency or harms them especially since the total supervisory jobs in all the country’s cooperatives are estimated at about 1,000.

The sources said, “The team headed by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Affairs, the membership of the Assistant Undersecretary for Cooperation Sector Affairs, the Deputy Director General of the Public Authority for Manpower for National Employment Sector Affairs, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federation of Cooperative Societies, also suggested introducing some fundamental amendments to the text of Article 52 regarding the requirements for filling supervisory jobs, especially those concerned with duration, practical certification, years of experience, and other requirements, revealing that the coming period will witness the start of all cooperative societies publishing advertisements through local newspapers about their need to fill vacant supervisory positions.

On another issue, the sources revealed that the results of the written tests held by the Ministry of Social Affairs last week, under the supervision of experienced and specialized staff for about 26 employees in the Cooperative Control and Inspection Department, who are qualified to fill the positions of financial and administrative observers within the cooperative societies, showed all applicants have passed the test and are awaiting to be employed.

However, according to the sources of the Ministry of Social Affairs after the results of written exams are approved will conduct personal interviews, then prepare the final list of those accepted for specialized training course.

The sources added that the ministry will also take the necessary legal measures towards the placement of employees who have passed the training course in a group of specialized and technically graduated cooperative control jobs, in accordance with the conditions stipulated in Civil Service Commission Resolution No. 34 of 2016d.

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