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Death rate in Kuwait from Covid complication lowest in world; rapid turnout for booster dose jab

In response to continuous government calls for citizens and residents to take the third booster Covid-19 booster dose the Kuwait Vaccination Center at the Mishref Fairgrounds received hundreds of people in a clear indication people realize the importance of taking the dose as the concerned authorities continue to monitor the epidemiological situation in the country and continue to take preventive measures against incoming passengers at Kuwait International Airport.

In a new indication of the improvement in the epidemiological situation of the Corona virus in the country, the Al-Qabas daily quoting health sources said, despite the emergence of the new mutant Omicron in some countries, Kuwait has recorded only 4 deaths as a result of complications from the virus last November, compared to 12 cases in October, 30 during September and 99 cases last August; 355 deaths in July, 194 cases in June, 203 cases during May, 244 deaths in April, 228 in March, 124 deaths during February, and 23 in January this year.

Since the first cases appeared in late February 2020, at a rate of 0.6%, the total number of Covid-19 deaths in Kuwait reached 2,465 deaths out of a total of 413,491 infections, at a rate of 0.6%, while the total deaths from the disease in Saudi Arabia was 8,842 deaths from 549,877 infections, or 1.6%. The number of deaths in the UAE due to complications from the virus was 2,148 cases out of 74,214 infections, at a rate of 0.2%, and in the Sultanate of Oman 4,113 died out of 304,581 infections at a rate of 1.3%, in Bahrain 1,394 died out of 277,803 people infected with the disease at a rate of 0.5%, and in Qatar the total deaths from the virus was 611 cases from 244,071 infections or 0.2%.

At the level of the Arab countries, the percentage of deaths due to corona complications from the total infections in Egypt reached 5.7%, in Yemen 19.4%, in Morocco 1.5%, in Algeria 2.8%, in Jordan 1.2%, in Syria 5.7%, and in Lebanon 7%, in Iraq 1.1%, in Libya 1.4%, in Palestine 1%, in Tunisia 3.5%, in the Sudan 7.2%, in the South Sudan 1%, in Somalia 5.7%, and in Mauritania 2.1%.

Health sources attributed the reason for the low death rate from Corona in the Arab Gulf states in general and Kuwait in particular, to the high percentage of middle-aged and young people, as well as the high rate of anti-virus vaccinations, compared to other countries around the world, in addition to the Gulf health authorities applying the latest safe treatment and technical protocols used by the most advanced health systems.

The sources told the daily the death rate in Kuwait due to complications from infection with the virus is still among the lowest in the world, which confirms the strength of the health system and the effectiveness of the treatment protocols followed since the first cases were registered, saying the increasing health awareness plays a major role in reducing infection rates in the country.

The sources confirmed that the health authorities are closely monitoring the latest studies and reports published on the Omicron mutant, especially since the rates of infection in South Africa and are increasing.

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