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Customs exempt goods less than KD100 dinars from fees

Director of the Technical Office Department (Customs) Mona Al-Rashidi

The General Administration of Customs decided on Monday to exempt goods imported into the country at a value of KD100 Kuwaiti dinars or less from customs duties. The director of the technical office administration at Customs and the head of the fact-finding committee for courier fees Mona Al-Rashidi told Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) that the administration issued this exemption with customs instructions No. (94/2020) according to specific controls and conditions.

Al-Rashidi stated that the decision comes according to the recommendation of the Fact-Finding Committee and according to Law (42/2013) to agree to the State of Kuwait’s accession to the revised Kyoto Agreement and the General Supplement without prejudice to all the laws in force in the country, noting that the implementation of it will start from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

She indicated that this recommendation is the beginning of several recommendations that the committee devoted to its studies and limited it to find solutions and reconsideration of the procedures followed in a way that serves the citizen and the resident in cooperation with the business partners and the relevant bodies with which the committee works to put in place a mechanism for personal shipments. She stated that the committee seeks to clarify the procedures followed and publish all fees that take place, confirming the readiness to receive complaints and proposals, whether by attending an appointment after reserving an appointment on the website or by calling (24955592).

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