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COVID-19 claims 803 lives in India, 52,050 fresh positive cases in 24 hours

Indian government said on Tuesday that 803 people succumbed to COVID 19 and 5,2050 fresh positive cases were registered from across the country in the last 24 hours.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said in its update that the death toll due to corona virus rose to 38,938 while total positive cases jumped to 1,855,745. The official data showed that 1,230,509 people recovered from the pandemic as it spread to 35 Indian states.

Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, New Delhi, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Telangana, West Bengal and Rajasthan are the worst affected Indian states. The government, meanwhile, issued fresh guidelines for the third phase of unlock and relaxed the lock­down restrictions in areas outside containment zones.

The new guidelines lifted night curfews imposed in the country and movement of people or goods across the country is permitted with no additional pass. Metro services, cinema halls and swimming pools, entertainment parks, bars, theatres, auditoriums and other social gathering places will also be shut. Large gatherings and social, political, sports, entertainment, academic, cultural, religious functions will not be permitted, the guidelines said.

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