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Council determines executive mechanisms to balance the demographics

The Council of Ministers is preparing to issue the decisions required to organize and restore balance to the demographics after completing the draft decree of the executive regulations of the law, which will be presented to the Council to take the necessary measures towards setting a higher cap for expatriate workers, in light of a more comprehensive approach to the needs of the development plan. The Council is expected to issue the mechanisms, tools and controls required to address the imbalances and also issues annual executive decisions whenever necessary to put the regulations into effect.

According to Al-Anbaa, the executive regulations include many controls, as they take into account the numbers of expatriate workers in view of the requirements of the national time plan for comprehensive development and their needs for these numbers, and identify the excluded groups in light of these needs. The regulations also include the policies prohibiting the transfer of expatriate workers between different sectors, provided that it is followed by defining the educational outputs of higher education institutions and missions, and completing the plan to replace the expatriate workforce, for which a higher cap has been set.

According to private sources, linking a higher cap for expatriate workers based on a broad, more comprehensive and advanced view of the needs of the development plan will be an advanced step supported by an assessment of needs in the private sector. Other sources pointed out the need to take into account technical labor such as tailors, fishermen and contracting workers after registering the high cost of this labor after the decision not to renew the residency of those who reached 60 years of age for holders of non-holders of university degree, and many were forced to leave. This matter was rectified after directing the Council of Ministers and finding a treatment that included imposing fees for residency renewal and private health insurance.

Moreover, sources of Al-Anbaa reported that there is anticipation for the Civil Service Council to resolve the flexible working hours with the return of traffic congestion after the resumption of schools and universities, through the efforts of the traffic officers in restoring the flow of traffic and preventing the occurrence of obstruction or obstruction. The sources also mentioned the possibility of partially deducting flexible working hours, so that it is applied in ministries with a high density of employees, especially since statistics are available and ready for a decision by the CSC to be taken. The flexible working hours aim to reduce traffic congestion, increase the flow of traffic, reduce pressure on traffic officers, and improve the work environment.

On the other hand, specialized sources also explained that the advantage of nominating those wishing for government employment is still available in determining the agencies they wish to work for. The sources indicated that the registration of the entity to work for is done electronically after the CSC completes the review of the applicants’ supporting documents.

In addition, the status in primary health centers and public hospitals with emergency cases, especially children, requires the Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmed Al-Awadi, to reactivate the decision of the former Minister of Health, Sheikh Dr. Basel Al-Sabah, which stipulates that those with emergency cases be allowed to visit any health center and public hospital in all regions after 1:00 p.m., without being linked to the health center or hospital affiliated with the residence address.

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