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Cosmetics store raided selling unlicensed products in Salmiya

The Ministry of Health’s Drug Inspection Department, in cooperation with the Ministries of Interior and Trade, conducted an inspection campaign on a cosmetics store in Salmiya. The inspection resulted in the discovery of a basement warehouse that was being used to store cosmetics without a license from the Ministry of Commerce or the General Fire Force.

Al-Anbaa reported that the 1,000-square-meter warehouse was found to be storing a large quantity of cosmetic products that did not meet standard conditions and specifications. The warehouse was also caught storing expired products, some of which had been tampered with by adding new dates. The committee that inspected the warehouse also found that the store owner did not have the necessary registration certificates or purchase invoices for the recovered products.

In addition, the competent technical committee that inspected the store found that it was only selling cosmetics. No therapeutic drugs were found in the store. The inspection was part of a periodic campaign to ensure that stores are complying with the law on practicing the profession of pharmacy and the relevant ministerial regulatory decisions.

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