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Corona expenses hit controversy between KPC and Finance Ministry

A new controversy is brewing up between the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation and the Ministry of Finance about recovering the expenses the oil sector has incurred in the face of “Corona”, including the construction of quarantine shelters which cost the oil sector KD 16.5 million.

The oil sources told “Al-Rai” the Finance Ministry has estimated the expenses at about 7.3 million dinars only, explaining that the Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC) has incurred unrecovered sums of money, especially the expenses of facing the crisis of the Corona pandemic and the company was unable to recover 8.176 million spent in response to the pandemic.

The Audit Bureau has indicated that KIPIC has disbursed without specifying a financial ceiling by the bureau that regulates the expenses charged to the emergency account to implement the requirements of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Health to establish health quarantine centers in Al-Zour, including the KIPIC health center, as well as equipping the field hospital in the West Mishref region at the Fairgrounds.

The sources expects KIPIC to bear more costs in the event the pandemic continues, and the Ministry of Health requests to continue to use the quarantine facilities.

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