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Continued delay in resolving the 60’s decision leaves negative repercussions on economic, humanitarian and human rights

While the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Public Authority for Manpower was scheduled to be held yesterday, at the official invitation of the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Chairman of the Board, Dr. Abdullah Al-Salman, to reconsider the decision to prevent the renewal of work permits for residents over 60 years of age with secondary certificates and below, it was postponed.

The meeting will be held next Thursday, after 5 out of 9 members apologized for not attending, including the Undersecretary of the Civil Service Commission, 3 members representing the private sector and a representative of the Workers’ Union.

The postponement of the meeting comes for the second time within one week, after it was scheduled for last Sunday, which opened the door to speculation about the reasons for the postponement, while informed sources wondered whether the glare of the opinion of the “Fatwa and Legislation”, which confirmed the inadequacy of the “Sixty” decision, or the Chamber of Commerce’s support decreased. And the industry to move towards the abolition of the decision.

The sources indicated to “Al-Rai” that “the responses of those who apologized for not attending the meeting yesterday took a protocol nature, due to lack of time, and that the invitation addressed to them was a short period before the date that did not allow it to be met.” Thursday, the time requirement is met 72 hours before the meeting, and therefore any new apology will not be justified by the lack of time.

The sources did not rule out that some members of the board of directors of the Public Authority for Manpower might bet on the assumption of the government’s resignation next week, and cut the time to resolve the “sixty” file until the picture becomes clearer, and whether the same government trend will continue to cancel the decision.

The sources indicated that it is also not hidden that there are differences in views towards the “Sixty” decision, especially that it enjoys political and popular follow-up, and different opinions between a supporter of imposing new fees on renewing work permits for this segment in the future, and another calling for replacing the fee with private insurance, as well as the file has also become the focus of a parliamentary interrogation submitted by MP Hamdan Al-Azmi to Minister Al-Salman.

The sources warned that the continued delay in resolving this file leaves additional negative repercussions on various levels, economic, humanitarian and human rights, especially since many alternatives have been proposed for treatment, the latest of which is imposing private health insurance on this segment of arrivals, in order to achieve the goal of relieving pressure on the people. The government health sector, while at the same time supporting the private sector, whether by keeping the workers it needs or by its participation in supporting the health system

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