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Consumers told to check ‘roaming service’ fees before traveling

The Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (CITRA) has called on consumers today, to check the roaming service provider’s fees and regulations before traveling to avoid paying additional money.

Khaled Al-Qarawi, Director of the Department of Competition Affairs and Commissioned Operators in the Market and Competition Sector at the Authority, said in a press statement the importance of consumer communication with the service provider (Telco companies) before activating the (roaming) service to ensure knowledge of service costs and options, choose the appropriate package or turn off roaming data to avoid unexpected additional fees, reports Al-Rai daily.

Al-Qarawi indicated that the authority has received complaints from consumers after they paid additional amounts for the roaming service because they activated the service before reviewing the provider’s fees and the related regulations that regulate this service between the provider companies and consumers.

He said that the roaming service enables the subscriber, while he is outside Kuwait, to send or receive calls or text messages, as well as use Internet data, calling on those wishing to use it to review the regulations for international roaming services by visiting the authority’s official website.

He stressed on CITRA’s keenness to educate consumers regarding the use of services provided by its providers in the country, including the roaming service, in terms of responsibility and protection of consumer affairs.

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