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Company in charge of expressway maintenance referred to Prosecution 

The Public Authority for Roads and Land Transport (PART) in a statement announced the issuance of urgent decisions by the Minister of Public Works and Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology, Dr. Rana Abdullah Al-Fares, at dawn today, to refer the company in charge of maintaining the King Abdulaziz Expressway to the Public Prosecution, reports Al-Rai daily.

These decisions also resulted in the suspension from work of the PART Director-General, as well as the suspension of the Director of the Highway Maintenance Department at the authority in what the statement called ‘public interest’ until completion of the investigations by the Public Investigations Department of the Ministry of Interior.

Minister Al-Fares also ordered the Public Authority for Roads and Land Transport to form an urgent and impartial investigation committee in light of the tragic accident that killed a Kuwaiti due as a result of a manhole cover in safety lane on King Abdulaziz Expressway, according to preliminary investigations conducted by the Ministry of Interior.

Minister Al-Fares also expressed her condolences to the family of the deceased.

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